Monday, 1 November 2021

Posted by jinson on Monday, November 01, 2021 No comments

What is peekaboo?

Peekaboo is a classic hide-and-seek game: You cover your face and uncover it while saying, “Peekaboo! I see you!” Another variation is to say “peekaboo” when you cover your face, and “I see you” when you uncover it.

No matter how you play it, peekaboo stimulates baby's senses, helps build gross motor skills, strengthens visual tracking, encourages social development and, best of all, tickles her sense of humor.

Plus, peekaboo helps reinforce object permanence, the idea that even though your child can't see something — like your smiling face — it still exists.

When do babies play peekaboo?

Is there a perfect peekaboo age? Not necessarily. Object recognition develops around month 3, and babies start to better understand the concept of object permanence by month 8. By months 9 to 12, your baby will likely be able to play peekaboo on her own.

In other words, babies of all ages can benefit from peekaboo. That said, once babies begin to laugh aloud (around 3 to 4 months), peekaboo becomes more fun for both of you. Now your cutie has a new way to show her surprise and delight

Playing peek-a-boo strengthens parent-baby bonds. 

There's eye contact, fun, and interactive communication. These are key ingredients to a strong and loving connection.  

Plus, peek-a-boo is a powerful learning tool. Babies love repeated rounds of playing peek-a-boo especially when they develop object permanence. Object permanence is when a baby understands that something or someone still exists even if they are not visible. This is crucial to forming a secure attachment. ⁣🙀🙀

There are more benefits to peek-a-boo. A baby will try and mimic you, which means they are using hands and arms in new ways.  It will tickle your baby's sense of humor. And it's a great distraction when your little one is cranky.

Go watch an amazing TED talk by a 7-year old, Molly Wright, who starts her talk by saying, "What if I was to tell you that peek-a-boo could change the world?" Send me a DM after you watch it and let me know your thoughts. I was so impressed with the message and the delivery..It's titled: How every child can thrive by five 🙊 🙊

I have attached the link:   Link



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