Wednesday 20 October 2021

Posted by jinson on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 No comments


I’m going to share 4 simple strategies to encourage healthy and happy eating habits. 🍅🍅

  • DON’T praise, pressure, bribe, trick or punish your child for anything to do with eating. Kids want to be independent, even babies. So, the more pressure they feel, the more stubborn they become.

  • DO try & try & try & try again. Offer foods, even if your child has refused them in the past. Offer the food at different mealtimes, in different recipes, and with other foods on the plate. 🥕🥕

  • DON’T distract your child with iPads or TV as mealtime is for eating and family.

  • DO let your child feed herself when she’s able to do so. Many families say, “I have to feed her, or she won’t eat” But you can avoid picky eating habits by not overhelping.

Make happy and relaxed mealtimes your priority and you'll benefit from this mindset in the end. 


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